(+ 1 follow-up session)
Starting May 2025
Northfields Community Centre 71A Northcroft Road London W13 9SS
Mondays 10.00 - 11.30 a.m.
12th and 19th May
2nd and 9th June
23rd and 30th June
Follow-up Session in September - date to be confirmed
Standard Rate: £240
Special Offer: £25 off each (if booked with a friend)
Subsidised spaces available on request
Why Mindfulness?
The course aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself, restoring balance in your life, and in getting the most out of living.
Physical and psychological benefits include:
an increased ability to relax
greater energy and enthusiasm for life
an increased ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations.
We all have times in our lives when we experience difficulty, stress and struggle and for some of us this is our daily experience. The problem itself may not change but the way we relate to and cope with the difficulty may shift, making it all feel easier. Developing greater awareness can open us to be able to change how we approach our experiences – taking more pleasure in the good things and dealing more effectively with the difficulties. We can see how often we are missing the moments of our lives. We can see how our habitual and reflex reactions to events often add layers of difficulty for us on top of the original problem.
What happens during sessions?
Sessions follow a consistent pattern. After greetings and getting settled, we begin with a guided meditation practice, followed by reflection on the experiences of the practice. Then we discuss the experiences of the home practices during the week. Each session has a theme that is woven into the discussions. We often do another short practice or a cognitive psychology exercise and reflect on what can be learned from that. Near the end of each session, I explain the home practices for the following week.
It is best to arrive a bit early for each session. This helps to ensure a prompt start. Please do join each session even if you get delayed and are late arriving. I will be available at the end of each session, if you would like to speak to me individually.
Home Practice
An important part of the course is daily home practice. Each week you will receive helpful readings related to the weekly theme, and will be provided with links to guided practices each week.
You may need to reorganise aspects of your life to fit this in. If you're finding this difficult, experiment with practising at different times of the day, and remember to keep an open mind as best you can. You may notice that your experience changes from day to day or week to week. I will be available to discuss any difficulties you are having with home practice.
Is this the right time and the right course for me?
There are circumstances when it may not be the right time to embark on a mindfulness course. This includes for example, if you have experienced a recent bereavement of someone especially close to you, or if you are experiencing major depression. When you register for the course, you will be asked if you experience any physical or mental health conditions, or current circumstances, that may be relevant to your participation in the course. An understanding of your current situation ensures suitable adaptations can be made if required, and any responses are held in strictest confidence. Please feel free to get in touch to arrange a call in strictest confidence, if you wish to discuss whether this is the right time for you.